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Relationships Jokes

# Title Hits Rating
1 I went out with my girlfriend...
- I went out with my girlfriend and asked her,"Why is it everytime I go out with you, I end upspending...Read the whole joke
592 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 A middle aged man and woman fall in love, and decide to get married...
- A middle aged man and woman fall in love, and decide to get married. On theirwedding night they sett...Read the whole joke
700 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 Brenda, pregnant with her first child, was paying a visit to...
- Brenda, pregnant with her first child, was paying a visit to herobstetrician's office. When the exam...Read the whole joke
617 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 A man brings his wife a glass of water and two aspirins...
- A man brings his wife a glass of water and two aspirins. Shelooks surprised and says, I don't have a...Read the whole joke
784 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 What do a hurricane, a tornado, a fire and a divorce have in common?
- What do a hurricane, a tornado, a fire and a divorce have in common? They are four ways you can lose...Read the whole joke
699 Rating:0 | Voted:0
6 Opposites attract
- "You and your husband don't seem to have an awful lot incommon," said the new tenant's neighbor. "W...Read the whole joke
656 Rating:0 | Voted:0
7 A wife was berating her husband...
- A wife was berating her husband. He motioned for her to quiet down saying, "Don't unleash the beast ...Read the whole joke
639 Rating:0 | Voted:0
8 After the party, as the couple was driving home...
- After the party, as the couple was driving home, the woman asks herhusband,"Honey, has anyone ever t...Read the whole joke
615 Rating:0 | Voted:0
9 A farmer walked into an attorney office...
- A farmer walked into an attorney's office wanting to file for adivorce. The attorney asked, "May I h...Read the whole joke
716 Rating:0 | Voted:0
10 A bum asks a man for $2...
- A bum asks a man for $2.The man asked, "Will you buy booze?"The bum said, "No."The man asked, "Will ...Read the whole joke
694 Rating:0 | Voted:0
11 Two men are discussing their lives...
- Two men are discussing their lives. One says, "I'm getting married.I'm tired of a messy apartment, d...Read the whole joke
604 Rating:0 | Voted:0
12 A man comes home from work and finds his wife admiring her breasts...
- A man comes home from work and finds his wife admiring her breasts in themirror. He asks, "What are ...Read the whole joke
594 Rating:0 | Voted:0
13 Being hurt
- A husband and wife went to the fairgrounds. The wife wanted to go on theFerris wheel, but the husban...Read the whole joke
581 Rating:0 | Voted:0
14 A little kid comes running into the backyard...
- A little kid comes running into the backyard.He says, "Pop! Pop! Ma just got hit by a bus!""Son, you...Read the whole joke
610 Rating:0 | Voted:0
15 A technical bastard
- A couple arrived at town hall seconds before closing time, and caught ajudge just as he was about to...Read the whole joke
598 Rating:0 | Voted:0
16 A husband and wife were in their back yard...
- A husband and wife were in their back yard, and he was noticing herexpanding backside. He commented,...Read the whole joke
608 Rating:0 | Voted:0
17 A concerned husband went to a doctor to talk about his wife...
- A concerned husband went to a doctor to talk about his wife. He says to the doctor, "Doctor, I think...Read the whole joke
591 Rating:0 | Voted:0
18 Where am I, Cathy?
- Attorney to witness: "What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning...Read the whole joke
782 Rating:0 | Voted:0
19 A bad habit
- I overheard a friend telling his pal, "I can't break my wife of the habit of staying up until 5 in t...Read the whole joke
606 Rating:0 | Voted:0
20 The Yuppie showered a Yuppette with gifts for over a month...
- The Yuppie showered a Yuppette with gifts for over a month. He took her to fancy restaurants and exp...Read the whole joke
650 Rating:0 | Voted:0
21 Let him dig
- An old man and woman were married for years even though they hated each other. When they had a confr...Read the whole joke
637 Rating:0 | Voted:0
22 A caring husband
- A couple just moved into hotel. And the hotel clerk asks the man after helping him with his luggage....Read the whole joke
580 Rating:0 | Voted:0
23 Controlling your spouse
- There were three guys talking in the pub. Two of them are talking about the amount of control they h...Read the whole joke
610 Rating:0 | Voted:0
24 A kind of sport
- A guy comes home from the bar drunk one night around 3 in the morning. His wife is sleeping and he...Read the whole joke
767 Rating:0 | Voted:0
25 A new statue for the bedroom
- A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door. "Hurry!" sh...Read the whole joke
705 Rating:0 | Voted:0
26 Pack your bags honey!..
- This guy runs home and bursts in yelling, "Pack your bags honey, I just won the lottery!" She sa...Read the whole joke
592 Rating:0 | Voted:0
27 A woman asks her husband to buy her a fur coat...
- A woman asks her husband to buy her a fur coat for their 25th anniversary. "HA," he snorted, "Th...Read the whole joke
561 Rating:0 | Voted:0

# Title Category Hits Rating
1 A bloke wakes up in the middle of the night...
- A bloke wakes up in the middle of the night and rolls over and shoves an aspirin down his wife's thr...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 2803 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman...
- The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman. The next day someone asked him how thi...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1638 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 I'll never forget the first time I saw my husband...
- I'll never forget the first time I saw my husband, He was standing on a hill, his hair blowing in th...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1471 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 On inheritance
- A little boy went up to his father and asked:"Dad, where did all of my intelligence come from?"The f...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1404 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu...
- Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu. My fiancee' called andvolunteered to come over and f...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1361 Rating:0 | Voted:0

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