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Ethnic Jokes

# Title Hits Rating
1 Rabbi's anniversary present
- A Jewish congregation in New York honors its Rabbi for 25 years of serviceby sending him to Hawaii f...Read the whole joke
1313 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 Who invented sex
- A Greek and Italian were sitting down one day debating who had the superior culture. The Greek says...Read the whole joke
1221 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 Why do they call it a "kilt"?
- Why do they call it a "kilt"?Because a lot of people got kilt when they called it a skirt....Read the whole joke
1254 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 What did Arafat say to Clinton?
- What did Arafat say to Clinton?"Sheep don't talk, my friend."...Read the whole joke
1319 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 What do you call a 300 pound woman in Minnesota?
- What do you call a 300 pound woman in Minnesota?Anorexic...Read the whole joke
1516 Rating:0 | Voted:0
6 What did the German clockmaker say to the clock...
- What did the German clockmaker say to the clock that only went 'tick, tick,tick'?'Ve haff vays of ma...Read the whole joke
1287 Rating:0 | Voted:0
7 Did you hear about the spanish fireman...
- Did you hear about the spanish fireman who named his sone Hose A and Hose B?...Read the whole joke
1236 Rating:0 | Voted:0
8 There was this Eskimo girl who spent the night...
- There was this Eskimo girl who spent the night with her boyfriend and nextmorning found out that she...Read the whole joke
1345 Rating:0 | Voted:0
9 What do Germans use for birth control?
- What do Germans use for birth control?Their personalities!...Read the whole joke
1281 Rating:0 | Voted:0
10 A Jewish Mother
- Hi Mom. Can I leave the kids with you tonight? You're going out? Yes. With whom? With a friend. I do...Read the whole joke
1281 Rating:0 | Voted:0
11 It was obvious
- After months of negotiation with the authorities, aTalmudist from Odessa was granted permission to v...Read the whole joke
1347 Rating:0 | Voted:0
12 What do true rednecks do on Halloween?
- What do true rednecks do on Halloween? - Pump kin....Read the whole joke
1288 Rating:0 | Voted:0
13 What is long, black, and smelly?
- What is long, black, and smelly? - The unemployment line....Read the whole joke
1271 Rating:0 | Voted:0
14 What did the Jewish pedophile ask the little girl?
- What did the Jewish pedophile ask the little girl? - "Hey, little girl, you want to buy some candy?"...Read the whole joke
1227 Rating:0 | Voted:0
15 An unfortunate situation
- A lovely young Jewish girl was employed by a clothing firm in NewYork.She and her widowed mother sha...Read the whole joke
1491 Rating:0 | Voted:0
16 A historical example
- A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father,who was a rabbi, if they could d...Read the whole joke
1356 Rating:0 | Voted:0
17 Typical jewish mother
- My mother is a typical Jewish mother.Once she was on jury duty. . .They sent her home. She insisted ...Read the whole joke
1305 Rating:0 | Voted:0
18 The right way to ask a question
- A Jewish guy in a London hotel calls the operator and asks, in broken English with a heavy Lithuania...Read the whole joke
1215 Rating:0 | Voted:0
19 Greatest way to learn English
- Mullah Nasrudin, wisest man in Islam, entered England of a visit."Do you have anything to declare?" ...Read the whole joke
1320 Rating:0 | Voted:0
20 All the same
- An airplane takes off from the airport. The Captain is Jewish and the First Officer is Chinese. It's...Read the whole joke
1389 Rating:0 | Voted:0
21 A Jewish couple, are sitting together on an airplane flying...
- A Jewish couple, are sitting together on an airplane flying to the Far East. Over the public address...Read the whole joke
1248 Rating:0 | Voted:0
22 Two men and one woman
- Long, but pretty good:On a group of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the followi...Read the whole joke
2056 Rating:0 | Voted:0
23 Three Chinese daughters
- A Chinese man had three daughters; he asked his eldest daughter what kind of man she would like to m...Read the whole joke
1240 Rating:0 | Voted:0
24 Why don't Jewish mothers drink?
- Why don't Jewish mothers drink?Alcohol interferes with their suffering....Read the whole joke
1273 Rating:0 | Voted:0
25 Why Jewish women like Chinese food so much
- The Harvard School of Medicine did a study of why Jewish women like Chinese food so much. The study ...Read the whole joke
1292 Rating:0 | Voted:0
26 If you take an Oriental person and spin him...
- If you take an Oriental person and spin himaround several times, does he become disoriented?...Read the whole joke
1492 Rating:0 | Voted:0
27 What's the Arkansas state motto?
- What's the Arkansas state motto?If you can't keep it in your pants keep it in the family.Sent by Mik...Read the whole joke
1314 Rating:0 | Voted:0

# Title Category Hits Rating
1 Two men and one woman
- Long, but pretty good:On a group of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the followi...Read the whole joke
Ethnic Jokes 2056 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 How do you tell if an Arkansas girl is old enough to marry?
- Q: How do you tell if an Arkansas girl is old enough to marry? A: Make her stand in a barrel. If her...Read the whole joke
Ethnic Jokes 2016 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 What do you call a 300 pound woman in Minnesota?
- What do you call a 300 pound woman in Minnesota?Anorexic...Read the whole joke
Ethnic Jokes 1516 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 If you take an Oriental person and spin him...
- If you take an Oriental person and spin himaround several times, does he become disoriented?...Read the whole joke
Ethnic Jokes 1492 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 An unfortunate situation
- A lovely young Jewish girl was employed by a clothing firm in NewYork.She and her widowed mother sha...Read the whole joke
Ethnic Jokes 1491 Rating:0 | Voted:0

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