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Relationships Jokes

# Title Hits Rating
1 A man had a flat tire on a very cold winter day...
- A man had a flat tire on a very cold winter day. He told his girlfriend he'd have it fixed in no tim...Read the whole joke
740 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 A wife, arriving home from a shopping trip, was horrified to...
- A wife, arriving home from a shopping trip, was horrified to find herhusband in bed with a lovely yo...Read the whole joke
846 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 What Do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
- What Do you tell a woman with two black eyes ? Nothing, you told her twice....Read the whole joke
686 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 A married man thought he would give his wife a birthday surprise...
- A married man thought he would give his wife a birthdaysurprise by buying her a bra. He entered a la...Read the whole joke
629 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 A man and wife entered a...
- A man and wife entered a dentist's office.The Wife said, "I want a tooth pulled. Idon't want gas or ...Read the whole joke
634 Rating:0 | Voted:0
6 John receives a phone call...
- John receives a phone call. "Hello," he answers. The voiceon the ot other end says, "This is Susan. ...Read the whole joke
667 Rating:0 | Voted:0
7 A fair offer
- One day this fellow noticed that a new couple had movedinto the house next door. He was also quick t...Read the whole joke
667 Rating:0 | Voted:0
8 Bill and Bob met at the club for their weekly golf game...
- Bill and Bob met at the club for their weekly golf game.And for the third week in a row, it was rain...Read the whole joke
696 Rating:0 | Voted:0
9 Husband: I do not know why you wear a bra...
- Husband: I don't know why you wear a bra, you've got nothing to put in it?Wife: You wear briefs, don...Read the whole joke
658 Rating:0 | Voted:0
10 What are the three words you do not want to hear while making love?
- She: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body?He: Your sense of humor....Read the whole joke
686 Rating:0 | Voted:0
11 She: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body?
- She: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body?He: Your sense of humor....Read the whole joke
651 Rating:0 | Voted:0
12 Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a womans sex drive by 90 percent.
- Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90 percent. Wedding cak...Read the whole joke
690 Rating:0 | Voted:0
13 The last request
- Father O'Grady was saying his goodbyes to the parishionersafter his Sunday morning service as he alw...Read the whole joke
668 Rating:0 | Voted:0
14 A farmer and his girlfriend...
- A farmer and his girlfriend were out for a strollin the fields when they came across a cow and acalf...Read the whole joke
674 Rating:0 | Voted:0
15 Small World
- Two men are having an awfully slow round ofgolf because the two ladies in front of themmanaged to ge...Read the whole joke
664 Rating:0 | Voted:0
16 Two buddies were sharing drinks while discussing their wives...
- Two buddies were sharing drinks while discussing their wives. "Does your wife ever ... well, you kno...Read the whole joke
685 Rating:0 | Voted:0
17 Suffering
- A young couple on the brink of divorce visit a marriage counselor. The counselor asks the wife about...Read the whole joke
670 Rating:0 | Voted:0
18 A young couple were married and celebrated their first night...
- A young couple were married and celebrated their first nighttogether, doing what newlyweds do, time ...Read the whole joke
587 Rating:0 | Voted:0
19 The room was full of pregnant ladies...
- The room was full of pregnant ladies and their partners, and the Lamaze class was in full swing. Th...Read the whole joke
698 Rating:0 | Voted:0
20 What does a woman do to her asshole in the morning?
- What does a woman do to her asshole in the morning? -Sends him to work....Read the whole joke
656 Rating:0 | Voted:0
21 A woman accompanied her husband to the doctors office...
- A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office.After the check-up, the doctor took the wife ...Read the whole joke
604 Rating:0 | Voted:0
22 I got home from work last night...
- I got home from work last night and said to my wife, "You are a one"She said "What do you mean, I am...Read the whole joke
689 Rating:0 | Voted:0
23 One more thing like that
- "Great, just what I need," she moaned as he broughthome a new microwave oven. "One more thing that h...Read the whole joke
612 Rating:0 | Voted:0
24 She: Do you think of me when...
- She: "Do you think of me when you're away darling?"He: "Yes honey, I always bare you in mind."...Read the whole joke
672 Rating:0 | Voted:0
25 Emery fixed himself a Scotch while waiting...
- Emery fixed himself a Scotch while waiting forMaria to get ready for their date. She came outof the ...Read the whole joke
662 Rating:0 | Voted:0
26 A young couple gets married, and the groom...
- A young couple gets married, and the groom asks his brideif he can have a dresser drawer of his own ...Read the whole joke
847 Rating:0 | Voted:0
27 The three stages of sex in marriage.
- The tri stages of sex in marriage- 1.Tri-weekly 2.Try-weekly 3.Try-weakly...Read the whole joke
607 Rating:0 | Voted:0

# Title Category Hits Rating
1 A bloke wakes up in the middle of the night...
- A bloke wakes up in the middle of the night and rolls over and shoves an aspirin down his wife's thr...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 2803 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman...
- The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman. The next day someone asked him how thi...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1638 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 I'll never forget the first time I saw my husband...
- I'll never forget the first time I saw my husband, He was standing on a hill, his hair blowing in th...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1472 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 On inheritance
- A little boy went up to his father and asked:"Dad, where did all of my intelligence come from?"The f...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1405 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu...
- Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu. My fiancee' called andvolunteered to come over and f...Read the whole joke
Relationships Jokes 1361 Rating:0 | Voted:0

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