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At Work Jokes

# Title Hits Rating
1 Mary came back from lunch to find that all the girls...
- Mary came back from lunch to find that all the girlsin the office had removed their clothes and were...Read the whole joke
660 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 The organization is like a tree full of monkeys...
- The organization is like a tree full of monkeys, all on differentlimbs at different levels. Some mon...Read the whole joke
624 Rating:0 | Voted:0
3 A bus station is where a bus stops...
- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where atrain stops. On my desk, I have a work...Read the whole joke
754 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 Latex factory
- A guy is going on a tour of a factory that produces various latex products.At the first stop, he is ...Read the whole joke
679 Rating:0 | Voted:0
5 It's not a big deal, but it feels good
- A man comes home from work one day and he says to his wife: "Honey, I got a new secretary. And imagi...Read the whole joke
727 Rating:0 | Voted:0
6 Brain or muscles?
- The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of s...Read the whole joke
684 Rating:0 | Voted:0
- NOTIFICATION TO ALL STAFF REGARDING LANGUAGEIt has been brought to our attention that some individua...Read the whole joke
645 Rating:0 | Voted:0
8 It had taken him several months, but the executive...
- It had taken him several months, but the executive vice presidenthad finally persuaded his new secre...Read the whole joke
656 Rating:0 | Voted:0
9 Fresh out of business school, the young man answered a want ad...
- Fresh out of business school, the young man answered a want ad for an accountant. Now he was being i...Read the whole joke
689 Rating:0 | Voted:0
10 Jon starts working in a lumber camp...
- Jon starts working in a lumber camp. The boss says, "We work twelve hours a day, we eat two meals a...Read the whole joke
784 Rating:0 | Voted:0
11 A man was interviewing for a sales representative...
- A man was interviewing for a sales representative. One candidate wouldhave been ideal for the positi...Read the whole joke
751 Rating:0 | Voted:0
12 Three guys go into a bar, one in a wheelchair, one...
- Three guys go into a bar, one in a wheelchair, one is blind and the other appears normal. A couple o...Read the whole joke
742 Rating:0 | Voted:0
13 When the formal private briefing of the attractive new teacher...
- When the formal private briefing of the attractive new teacher by the vice-principal was finished, t...Read the whole joke
744 Rating:0 | Voted:0
14 Advisor on sexual matters
- The drinker announced to the bartender, "It seems I've been informally named advisor on 'Sexual Matt...Read the whole joke
818 Rating:0 | Voted:0
15 Several weeks after a young man had been hired...
- Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel director's office. ...Read the whole joke
663 Rating:0 | Voted:0
16 Steve, Bob and Jeff are working on a very high scaffolding...
- Steve, Bob and Jeff are working on a very high scaffolding. Suddenly, Steve falls off. He is killed ...Read the whole joke
632 Rating:0 | Voted:0
17 It had taken him several months, but the executive vice president...
- It had taken him several months, but the executive vice presidenthad finally persuaded his new secre...Read the whole joke
707 Rating:0 | Voted:0
18 There are thousands of sex phone lines for men...
- There are thousands of sex phone lines for men but only a few for women.This is because if a women w...Read the whole joke
684 Rating:0 | Voted:0
19 When the staff goes out after work, they talk about...
- When the staff goes out after work, they talk about football or basketball.When Middle management ge...Read the whole joke
674 Rating:0 | Voted:0
20 Does anyone know what would happen if the earth...
- Does anyone know what would happen if the earth rotated 30 times faster thanit does today ??We would...Read the whole joke
711 Rating:0 | Voted:0
21 Time to quit
- As the end of the day drew near, the handsome executive called his newly hired red-headed assistant ...Read the whole joke
686 Rating:0 | Voted:0
22 Judge: Is there any reason you could not serve...
- Judge: Is there any reason you could not serve as a juror in this case? Juror: I don't want to be aw...Read the whole joke
837 Rating:0 | Voted:0
23 Three envelopes
- A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepp...Read the whole joke
701 Rating:0 | Voted:0
24 A site foreman had ten very lazy men working for him...
- A site foreman had ten very lazy men working for him, so one day he decided to trick them into doing...Read the whole joke
722 Rating:0 | Voted:0
25 The Yuppette had risen to executive level...
- The Yuppette had risen to executive level in the company in no time at all. Hearing rumors about her...Read the whole joke
753 Rating:0 | Voted:0
26 The most painful part
- A group of guys and one girl are sitting together at a ball game. During the game the guys notice th...Read the whole joke
707 Rating:0 | Voted:0
27 Equally qualified
- Young man Murphy applied for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American a...Read the whole joke
634 Rating:0 | Voted:0

# Title Category Hits Rating
1 The hotel Astor had hired a new bus driver...
- The hotel Astor had hired a new bus driver and instructed him to meet all incoming trains and announ...Read the whole joke
At Work Jokes 1915 Rating:0 | Voted:0
2 The owner of a small crossroads store in South Carolina...
- The owner of a small crossroads store in South Carolina was appointed postmaster. Over six months we...Read the whole joke
At Work Jokes 1620 Rating:10 | Voted:1
3 A Manager of a retail clothing store is reviewing...
- A Manager of a retail clothing store is reviewing a potentialemployee's application and notices that...Read the whole joke
At Work Jokes 1551 Rating:0 | Voted:0
4 Tough sell
- Despite his best sales pitch, a life-insurance salesmanwas unable to get a couple to sign up for a p...Read the whole joke
At Work Jokes 1538 Rating:9 | Voted:3
5 The bank manager was in the final stages of hiring...
- The bank manager was in the final stages of hiring a cashierandwas down to two final applicants -- o...Read the whole joke
At Work Jokes 1534 Rating:0 | Voted:0

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