4 Taro corms 1/4 c Chard, chopped (optional) 2 Garlic cloves, crushed (opt) Oyster or other dip sauce (o Other names for taro are dasheen, elephant's ear, nampi, arum lily, cocoyam, yautia, malagna, eddo and kolokassi. Asiatic people steam, boil or stew taro. Hawaiians make poi from it and also stew the leaves. Peel the taro. Soak in cold water until ready to cook. Boil in water to cover, or steam in a bamboo steamer. Serve plain as you would boiled potato. To season taro, drain and cut into cubes while still hot. Combine with chard and garlic. Heat a wok or skillet with just enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom. Stir-fry taro mixture for 1 minute. Serve hot or cold with dipping sauce if desired. 1/2 cup without any optional ingredients - 92 calories, 1 1/2 starch exch. 22 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams protein, 10 mg sodium, 319 mg potassium Adapted from Diabetic Cooking from Around the World by V. Chantiles 1989 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier Jan 94.