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Improvised Vegetable Stew
Category Cheese
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The Recipe

1 sm Eggplant

1/2 Butternut squash (or

"pumkin" for the Aussies on The list!) 1 md Potato

1 ea Red and green bell pepper

(capsicum) 1 Heaping huge spoonful

(according to taste) cooked Onions* 1 cn Tomatoes and juice

1 Splash red wine

1 Splash balsamic vinegar

1 Veggie stock cube

2 Cloves (few) crushed garlic

1 t Turmeric

1 t Ginger, grated

1 t Cumin

1 t Chili powder

Cut up the vegies into chunks of roughly the same size, and cook over medium high heat in a non-stick skillet (no need to spray!) I tossed everything around in the skillet for a while, then chucked it into a casserole dish in the oven on medium-ish heat for 45 minutes while we went out for our pre-dinner walk. You can adjust the seasonings to your own taste. I served this over rice steamed with a small handful of sultanas (golden raisins), and it was delicious. *About the onions. I think onions make anything taste a little more delicious, so as often as I need to, I get a couple of pounds (a kilo) of onions, slice them up in the food processor, put them into the non-stick skillet with just a little veggie stock (adding more as needed to stop sticking) over a medium heat, not stirring too often, for about an hour. After a while, they do stick a bit, and that's a great time to splash in a little red wine or balsamic vinegar to deglaze the pan. Then let them cook a little longer, until they have a beautiful caramel color and delicious, rich aroma. I keep them stored in the fridge and add them to anything and everything. There's nothing like them on a veggie pizza to make you forget they don't make ff cheese in Australia (yet!) Posted by Lori Bowen to the Fatfree Dig. [Vol. 11 Issue 29], Oct. 29, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV.

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