Tawny port, ruby port, Blackberry, or sherry--I go For the color of The ruby port or blackberry Wine) Soak the gelatin in cold water. Pour boiling water over and add sugar. Mix to thoroughly dissolve gelatin and sugar. Add wine and lemon juice. Chill in a pretty bowl (cut or pressed glass is traditional). Serve a bowl of aforementioned custard sauce on the side so it can be added at the diner's discretion. Posted by mfaison@pen.k12.va.us (Michele L. Faison) to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 13 Issue 21] Dec. 22, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV. 1.80?